g. Oh, I'm so sorry about that.(7)... give you a to bring you another meal. by the lare - Match the problems and responses given to them. (Verilen problemlerle cevapları eşleştiriniz.) (7x2=14pts) 1. This hamburger is cold. I can't eat it. a. Please give us another room. 2. The Internet is not working. This is unfair. b. Please bring me a hot one. 3. You overcharged me for this bag. This is wrong. c. Could I replace it with another one? 4. This food doesn't taste good. It is disgusting. d. Please give me a refund. 5.There is a fault with the shirt I got yesterday. e. I would like to have it connected please. 6.I am not happy with the cable TV service you're providing f. Please credit me for the lost hours. 7. We have no hot water in our hotel room. This is unacceptable. g. Could I have another meal instead? a