ingilizce ve türkçe Herry Potter ve felsefe taşı özeti (uzun olursa sevinirim ) EN İYİ CEVAP SEÇERİM

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Harry Potter, who lost his family in a car accident at an early age, lives with his aunt, brother-in-law, and cousin Dudley. His brother-in-law, aunt, and cousin, Harry, misbehave, harshly and mercilessly, and Harry lives in a room under the stairwell. Miserable childhood Harry's 11th birthday is approaching.

One day a letter comes to Harry, but his brother-in-law will not let him read the letter. But the letters are not cut back, and even more and more letters continue to come. One day the letter begins to rain all over the house. His brother-in-law and his family leave the house and go away. They live in a small hut on an island in the middle of the sea. One evening, a giant man named Hagrid comes to the cabin. Hagrid is the guardian of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hagrid learns that Harry cannot read the letters and tells everything. Her parents had not died in a traffic accident. They are wizards and are killed by the evil wizard Voldemort. Harry is also a witch candidate. Harry is very angry with his aunt and brother-in-law who has kept all the facts to himself. Hogwarts decides to go to Witchcraft School. They go to Diagon Alley with Hagrid for pre-school shopping. From here, they take what is needed at the school like a wand, a flying broom, witchcraft books, a messenger owl.

On the 1st of September, the school will go to Paddington Train Station in London. It takes the train from the 9 ¼ platforms where the Hogwarts Express is going to school. Harry makes two friends, Ron and Hermione.

In Hogwart, the choice of buildings and classes for children who are just starting school is determined by selection. The students wear a big hit, and the cap tells them what class they will be in. The school has four buildings and classrooms. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Slytherin usually has terrible wizards. Malfoy Slytherin will always be the opponent of Harry. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are elected to Gryffindor in the same class. Lessons started now. Harry and his friends begin to take witchcraft classes in different fields. Many different adventures await them.

One day Harry and his friends go to the third aisle, which is forbidden to enter the school. There is a Philosopher's Stone ı which is protected by the three-headed monster. The Philosopher's Stone gives immortality and superior powers. The evil sorcerer Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents, is also after the Philosopher's Stone. Harry finds the stone and experiences his first struggle with Voldemort. Harry neutralizes Voldemort.

In the meantime, various competitions are organized between the classes of the school. Gryffindor takes first place with Harry's outstanding achievements, as expected. Now the school is finished, and summer vacation has come. Students go home for summer vacation with Hogwarts Express. Harry is not happy with this, because he has no family to spend his holiday with and he has already missed scho