Cevap :
The name means 'three mausoleums' though in fact there are four, or five if you count another some way south across the park. The biggest is believed by some to be the tomb of Emir Saltuk, who established Saltuk Turk rule in Erzurum in the late 11th century.
Note the near-conical roofs and decorated window recesses. The smaller 12-sided tombs probably date from the 14th century.
The tombs form a photogenic ensemble around 100m south of the Çifte Minareli Medrese.
Note the near-conical roofs and decorated window recesses. The smaller 12-sided tombs probably date from the 14th century.
The tombs form a photogenic ensemble around 100m south of the Çifte Minareli Medrese.
Yazım yanlışı varsa kusura bakma Fotoğrafın üstüne tıkla orada geri kalanı yazıyor zaten başarılar iyi dersler