Nasreddin Hodja is a legendary personality who lived around Akşehir and Hortu during the Anatolian Seljuk period. There are different opinions as to whether Nasreddin Hodja really lived. Nasreddin Hodja was born in 1208 in Hortu Village. He received his education in a madrasah in Sivrihisar. After his father died, he returned to his village and started to work as an imam. He died in Akşehir in 1284 and was buried in the tomb.

It is the holy place of worship for Muslims. Mosque means "gatherer, gathering place, gathering place". Mosques are built in stunning architectural styles and ornaments on every continent and country. Mosque carpets and motifs are found in different forms according to the culture of the region.

For Turks, baths are not just a place of cleansing, but a place of purification and healing. They used to bring meticulously prepared meatballs, pastries, buns and fruits to the bridal bath, the forty bath for the postpartum women, the votive bath, the house where the women could gather and eat with them every week. The word meaning of the word bath; It means “bath, being warm and warm place”. Turkish baths had a very important place in life, they are places where mothers like girls, women chat and gossip about seven neighborhoods. Baths have also become places where very special days are celebrated for men. For men, it was used as a groom's bath, a circumcision bath, a soldier's bath, and a feast bath.

Weaving is one of the oldest arts. Weaving, which started with plant stems, has survived until today with weaving from wool and cotton. Carpets are created by arranging more than one folded and twisted yarns side by side. There are some traditional motifs in Turkish carpets. These motifs have four main themes. They are the themes of birth, life, death and immortality.

Metinleri simple past tense ile fiilin 2. Haline yani geçmiş zamana Çevirimisiniz

Cevap :


Nasreddin Hodja was a legendary personality who lived around Aksehir and Hortu during the Anatolian Seljuk period. There were different opinions as to whether Nasreddin Hodja really lived. (paragrafin geri kalanı zaten cevrilmis anlamadim ama ekliyorum yine de)

Nasreddin Hodja was born in 1208 in Hortu Village. He received his education in a madrasah in Sivrihisar. After his father died, he returned to his village and started to work as an imam. He died in Akşehir in 1284 and was buried in the tomb.

Kanka geri kalani da cevirmeye calisirken farkettigim kadarıyla sadece be fiilini kullanmislar am is'leri was are'lari were yapacaksin sadece yardima ihtiyacin olursa sorabilirsin