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Clock Tower in İzmir

The clock tower was built in Ottoman period in 1901. They built them for the honour of Ottoman Sultan, Abdulhamit II. When the clock was built, there was a monogram of Sultan Abdulhamit as a signature but later it was removed after the republic was declared. It became a traditon to build clock towers in different cities throughout the country.Konak Square is decorated as a pearl with its extremely gracefull look. Clock tower is one of the symbols of Izmir city at this square. Great place for feeding the birds, meeting with the guests for appointments, being taken pictures, or just resting on the benches for a short time after shopping.

İzmir'de Saat Kulesi

Saat kulesi 1901 yılında Osmanlı döneminde yapılmıştır. Osmanlı Padişahı II. Abdülhamit'in onuruna yaptırmışlardır. Saat yapılırken imza olarak Sultan Abdülhamit'in tuğrası vardı ancak daha sonra cumhuriyetin ilanından sonra kaldırılmıştı. Ülke genelinde farklı şehirlerde saat kuleleri inşa etmek bir gelenek haline geldi.Konak Meydanı son derece zarif görünümü ile inci gibi dekore edilmiştir. Saat kulesi bu meydanda İzmir şehrinin simgelerinden biridir. Kuşları beslemek, randevular için misafirlerle buluşmak, fotoğraf çekilmek veya alışveriş sonrası banklarda kısa bir süre dinlenmek için harika bir yer.


İzmir Clock Tower is a historic clock tower located at the Konak Square in Konak district of İzmir. The clock tower was designed by the Levantine French architect Raymond Charles Père and built in 1901 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Abdülhamid II's (reigned 1876–1909) ascension to the throne. The clock itself was a gift of German Emperor Wilhelm II. It is decorated in an elaborate Ottoman architecture. The tower, at a height of 25 meters, features four fountains, which are placed around the base in a circular pattern, and the columns are inspired by North African themes. The clock tower was depicted on the reverse of the Turkish 500 lira banknotes of 1983 to 1989. In the former Balkan provinces of the Ottoman Empire, particularly in present-day Serbian, Bosnian and Montenegrin towns such as Belgrade, Prijepolje, Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Gradačac and Stara Varoš, similar Ottoman era clock towers are still named Sahat Kula