İngilizce-2 Ara Sınav (Son Teslim Tarihi: 4 Mayıs 2020, Saat 23:59)

A. Write a short paragraph about one of the topics below. Use at least 5 words from the box given. The paragraph must include at least 100 words.

- someone you care about most,

- a city you have visited

- some traditional food you have eaten

- a book or a movie that you like

- your school life

A. Aşağıda verilen konulardan biriyle ilgili, en az 100 kelime içeren kısa bir paragraf yazınız. Yazacağınız paragrafın, aşağıda verilen kutudaki kelimelerden en az 5 tanesini içermesi gerekmektedir.

- hayatta en çok değer verdiğiniz/sevdiğiniz kişi

- ziyaret ettiğiniz bir şehir

- daha önce yediğiniz geleneksel bir yemek

- sevdiğiniz bir kitap veya film

- eğitim hayatınız

miss personality reject increase common

admire competitive invent announce vegetarian

can’t stand accept in my opinion spend time commute

delicious main course ingredients free time climate

Example – Örnek (Lütfen aynı paragrafı ödev mahiyetinde göndermeyiniz.)

Every person in this world has a friend that he likes the most. And in my opinion, that friendship means a lot to us. I also have a best friend. His name is Joe. I admire his personality because he is my best friend, we spend time together, share our secrets, happiness, and even sadness with each other. We share our difficulties and try to solve them together too. In addition, we play football together in our free time, and he helps me in playing because he is better than me in playing. However, I help him in studies because I am more hardworking. Therefore, we both take great care of each other. I love my best friend, and he is like a family member to me.
