bi oyun bulup şu yukardaki şeyleri yazarmisiniz.Arkadaşinza mail aticak gibi yazmaniz isteniyo​

Bi Oyun Bulup Şu Yukardaki Şeyleri YazarmisinizArkadaşinza Mail Aticak Gibi Yazmaniz Isteniyo class=

Cevap :

Hi,Jason.Im playing a game now.Its 'Call of Duty' .I like this game so much.This is a war game.There are many duties.If you kill the other team players you win.In the play characters are soldiers.You can choose the character or gun what you want.It is really enjoyable.I thought that we can play together.Upload the game,come to clan and play with me.

~see you in the game

(altina da ismini yazabilirsin)