31pn teknolojinin artilari eksileri acil ben ingilizceye ceviricem 7.sijif ing ​

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ozur puan lazim olduğu için



teknology sum of the knowledge, skills, methods and techniques necessary for the production of tools and equipment for the needs of people. Based on this definition, we may think that we should focus on the benefits of technology, but in cases where it is not used consciously, we are faced with the harms of technology!

What are the advantages and disadvantages of technology? With the answers to these questions, it is possible to correctly design the technology usage experience.

When we talk about unconsciousness, the first thing that should come to our minds is children. We can call it "unconsciousness" or "preference" for an adult to use technology in a harmful way. But we cannot say “preference” for children. Because children were not aware of the harm they caused to themselves when using technological products in a harmful way.