Bakın lütfen acilen şu kelimelerle cümle kurun

Bakın Lütfen Acilen Şu Kelimelerle Cümle Kurun class=

Cevap :


1 - Most cities in that country are found on the coastal plain. ( O ülkede birçok şehir kıyı düzlüğünde bulunurlar. )

2 - The consequence of a wrong translation can sometimes be catastrophic. ( Yanlış bir çevirinin sonucu bazen felaket olabilir. )

3 - The smallest continent is Australia. ( Avustralya dünyadaki en küçük kıtadır. )

4 - There are lots of things we can do to protect the environment. ( Çevreyi korumak için yapabileceğimiz birçok şey var. )

5 - These fragile items must be insured against all risks. ( Bu kırılgan eşyalar tüm risklere karşı sigortalanmalıdır. )

6 - It's been very cold, so the lake is frozen. ( Çok soğuk vardı, bu nedenle göl dondu. )

7 - We must adapt to today's harsh realities. ( Bugünün sert gerçeklerine adapte olmalıyız. )

8 - Approximately seven billion people inhabit our planet. ( Gezegenimizde yaklaşık yedi milyar insan yaşıyor. )

9 - He addressed my full attention to the landscape outside. ( Bütün dikkatimi dışarıdaki manzaraya yöneltti. )

10 - We must try to preserve the remains of ancient civilizations. ( Antik uygarlıkların kalıntılarını korumaya çalışmalıyız. )

11 - There are a number of things we can do to protect our environment. ( Çevremizi korumak için yapabileceğimiz birkaç şey var. )

12 - She was born in a remote village in Nepal. ( O, Nepal'de uzak bir köyde doğdu. )

13 - They earmarked enough money for research work. ( Araştırma çalışması için yeterli para ayırdılar. )

14 - This beach is a popular tourist spot. ( Bu plaj popüler bir turistik noktadır. )

15 - They crossed the vast continent on foot. ( Onlar yürüyerek büyük kıtayı geçtiler. )


Global warming will cause coastal flooding.

The consequence of a wrong translation can sometimes be catastrophic

Africa is a continent, but Greenland is not.

The destruction of the ozone layer affects the environment.

The balance of nature is very fragile.

I was frozen to the bone.

Civil rights groups have complained about the harsh treatment of prisoners.

Uzbekistan has been inhabited since about 2000 BC, first by Iranians

Dictator's fall will upend political landscape

We must try to preserve the remains of ancient civilizations.

Anyone can do their bit to protect the environment.

She was born in a remote village in Nepal.

I'm doing research on the history of the Soviet Space Program

The American tourist insisted on gelato, for he was too hipstery for regular ice cream.

The gangsters extorted a vast sum of money from the rich man.