8 10 1 1 2 3 7 4 6 5 9 L c) Le e D ħ 1 b d g B Complete the sentences. Use the correct question tags. 2 .? ? ? Example: You've heard about the meeting, haven't you 1 There wasn't any tea left, .? 2 Martin's flying to New York tomorrow, ? 3 Shirley doesn't like cooking, 4 Those are your books, ....? .? 5 He is a lovely little boy, ? 6 You'll see Jackie tomorrow, ? 7 They didn't cost much, 2 8 Money isn't everything, 9 This book has enough exercises, 10 The students couldn't understand Mr Jones, ? 11 Sue might be late tonight, 12 Parents shouldn't hit their children, ? 13 Vegetarians never eat meat, ? 14 Jane's still got curly hair, ? 15 Banks close at five o'clock, 2 16 That's Michael's car, 17 There aren't any tomatoes in the fridge, ? 18 We don't have to pay, ? 19 These are penguins, 2 20 It won't rain today, ? 21 That's Allen's dictionary, 2 22 You can't swim very well, 23 The food wasn't bad, ..? 24 Your father doesn't smoke very much, 25 You haven't seen Jill today, ? 26 Your car is a Renault, 2 27 Turkey became Independent in 1923, 28 I'm usually early, ? 2 2 ? 252