Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using 'which' , 'who' ,’whose’and ‘where’ a relative clause:
1) They called a lawyer .The lawyer lived nearby.
2) I sent an email to my brother .My brother lives in Australia.
3) I dropped a glass . The glass was new.
4) She loves boks. The books have happy endings.
5) The fruit is on the table .The fruit isn't fresh.
6) We lost the suitcase. We put all our presents there.
7) The woman tried to calm her daughter. Her daughter was crying.
8) The man was driving the car. He was nervous.
9) He came with a friend . he waited outside.
10) He wore a mask. He made him look like Micky Mouse.
11) The robber didn’t drive. His mask obviously too big.
12) I live in a house in Norwich. It is in East Anglia
13) The children shouted at the Street. They are not from our school.
14) We arrive at the beach. We could swim and lie on the sun there.
15) the man’s mobile phone was ringing. He didn’t know what to do.
16) Have you seen the advirtisement. It was on TV last night.
17) Yesterday I met John and Marry. They are my brother’s friends.
18) La Albufera is a protected area of land. You can see a lot of interesting wildlife there.
19) We visited the church. It is in the middle of the square.
20) Smithsfield is a small village. People live quiet life there.
21) Thet found the weapon. It was used in the crime.
22) They finally found the murderer. He was hiding in a smal village.
23) This is the place. He had an accident there.
24) She is the girl. Her parents were killed by a murderer.
25) the victim called the pollice. They arrested the criminal immediately.


Cevap :



1- They called a lawyer who lived nearby.

2- I sent an email to my brother who lives in Australia.

3- I dropped a glass which was new.

4- She loves books which have happy endings.

5- The fruit which isn't fresh is on the table.

6- We lost the suitcase in which we put all our presents.

7- The woman tried to calm her daughter who was crying.

8- The man who was nervous was driving the car.

9- He came with a friend who waited outside.

10- He wore a mask which made him look like Micky Mouse.

11- The robber whose mask obviously too big didn't drive.

12- I live in a house in Norwich which is in East Angila.

13- The children who are not from our school shouted at the Street.

14- We arrived at the beach where we could swim and lie on the sun.

15- The man whose phone was ringing didn't know what to do.

16-  H