Arkadaslar nolursunuz yapın ingilizce İNG ve AM İS ARE kullanarak yapan bos yapan bildirilecek​

Arkadaslar Nolursunuz Yapın Ingilizce İNG Ve AM İS ARE Kullanarak Yapan Bos Yapan Bildirilecek class=

Cevap :


1. He is walking dog

2.She is knocking at the door

3.He is riding a bike

4.She is feeding pigeons

5.It is runing after çat

6.He is looking out window

7.She is watering flowers

8.They are playing ball

9.She is listening music

10.The cat is jumping out window

11.He is sliding park

12.She waiting to cross the street

13.He is going school

14.She is pushing stroller

15.The car is stopping Traffic light


Kolay gelsin eğer istersen şimdiki zamanı anlatabilirim


1) he is walking dog

2) she is knocking at the door

3) he ıs riding a bike

4) she ıs feeding pigeons

5) ıt is runing after cat

6)he is looking out window

7)she is watering flowers

8)they are playing ball

9)she is listening music

10)the cat is jumping out window

11)he is sliding park

12)she is waiting to cross the street

13)he is going school

14)she is pushing storller

15)the car is stopping traffic light


iyi dersler en iyi seçersen sevinirim