Lütfen çözün acil ödül 12 puan boş yazanlar bildirilcek lütfen ingilizce cevap verin
You are a reporter for your school magazine. You are going to meet an astronaut who has

recently returned from a two-month stay on the ISS. What would you ask him/her?


• What he/she did

• Things he/she missed

• Travel Details

Going back

• Any difficulties

• What he/she did

• Things he/she missed

• Travel Details • Any advice

kavramlarını kullanarak soru için 6 tane cümle oluşturalım.Cümleleri yukarıda verilen kavramları kullanarak oluşturalım.Not: Her cümle için 1 tane kavram kullanılabilir ve her kavram 1 kez kullanılabilir.

Lütfen soruyu çözelim.Ödül 12 puan boş yazanlar bildirilcek lütfen çözün lütfen ingilizce cevap verin lütfen 6 cümle yapalım

Cevap :


Açıklama: (what he/she did) : what did you do during your two-month stay on the ISS?

(things he/she missed) : what did you miss when you were on your two-month stay?

(travel details) - what are some details about your stay that you want to share with us?

(going back) - how was your return to the earth like? how did you feel about it?

(any difficulties) - what are some stuff that you struggled with during your stay?

(what he/she did) what were some of your favorite things to do during your stay?

(travel details - any advice) - is there any advice that you want to share with us?