ydspublishing student book 7 2. ünite cevapları acil ​

Cevap :


Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 24

1- Answer the questions about yourself. (Kendinizle ilgili soruları cevaplayın.)

1. Which sports do you enjoy doing? (Hangi sporları yapmaktan hoşlanırsın?)

2. Which sports do you find interesting/boring? (Hangi sporları ilginç/sıkıcı buluyorsunuz?)

3. Which sports do you do with your friends/on your own? (Arkadaşlarınızla/tek başınıza hangi sporları yaparsınız?)

2- Look at the photo and guess: (Fotoğrafa bak ve tahmin et)

» Where is she? She ise near a leka.

» What is she doing? She ise hiking.

» What does she have in her bag? Some water cookies and clothes.

» How does she feel? Relax and energetic.

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 25

4- Match the sports with “play”, “do” and “go”. (Sporları “play”, “do” ve “go” ile eşleştirin)

1- go 2- play 3- do 4- play 5- do 6- go 7- play 8- go 9- do

6- Read the sentences and write the names of the sports in part 4. (4. bölümdeki cümleleri okuyun ve sporların isimlerini yazın)

1- wolleyball 2- skiing 3- hiking 4- karate 5- swimming

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 26

1- How often do you do sports? Where do you do them? (Ne sıklıkla spor yaparsın? Onları nerede yapıyorsun?)

2- mark

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 27

3- Read the dialogue in part 2. Help the attendant to fill in the application forms. (2. bölümdeki diyaloğu okuyun. Görevlinin başvuru formlarını doldurmasına yardımcı olun.)

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 28

2.4 Listen to the dialogues. Tick the sport names you he (Diyalogları dinleyin. O spor isimlerini işaretleyin)

table tennis, baseball, handball, skiing, ice skating, basketball, football

2.5 Listen again and complete the sentences. (Tekrar dinleyin ve cümleleri tamamlayın.)

1- How often do you play?

2. I sometimes go skiing with my family.

3. Why? What was the score?

4. No, I never go to the gym.

4- Look at the sports names in part 2 and write the sports in the correct places. You can use them more than once. (2. bölümdeki spor adlarına bakın ve sporları doğru yerlere yazın. Bunları bir kereden fazla kullanabilirsiniz)

Indoor Sports - table tennis, tennis, ice skating

Outdoor Sports- football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, archery, handball, skiing, swimming, roller-skating

Team Sports - football, basketball, volleyball, handball, baseball, tennis, table tennis,

Individual Sports - archery, skiing, ice skating, roller-skating, swimming

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 29

1 - Look at the pictures and match them with the words. (Resimlere bakın ve bunları kelimelerle eşleştirin.)

d helmet g arrow e knee pads f bow c net a racket b trainers

2- Work as a class. Ask the questions to your teacher and friends.

Take notes. (Sınıf olarak çalışın. Soruları öğretmeninize ve arkadaşlarınıza sorun. Not almak.)

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 30

1- Do you know any successful players/athletes? Why are they successful? (Tanıdığınız başarılı oyuncular/sporcular var mı? Neden başarılılar?)

2- Read the texts. Which sports are there in the texts? (Metinleri oku. Metinlerde hangi sporlar var?)

Archery, athle tics, tennis, wrestring.

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 31

3- Read the texts again and choose the correct answer. (Metinleri tekrar okuyun ve doğru cevabı seçin.)

1- a 2- b 3- a 4- b

4- Find the numbers in the texts. What do they refer to? (Find the numbers in the texts. What do they refer to?)


17: the age of him in Rio 2016 Olympics. ()

2017: the year he won a gold medal in European Yosth cup.


13: the year she last her sight

3: the number of her gold medals


100: the number of players in the list

2016: the year she won the WTA İstanbul cup.

Yasemin ADAR

1991: the year she was born

75: her weight

5- In which sport do you want to be a professional? (Hangi sporda profesyonel olmak istiyorsun?)

What can you do to become successful? (Başarılı olmak için ne yapabilirsiniz?)

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 32

1- Read Alice’s perfect day. Complete the sentences (Alice'in mükemmel gününü okuyun. Cümleleri tamamlamak)

Sırası ile; get ready, fun, hungry, sometimes, in the evenings, go to bed

2- Write a similar paragraph about your perfect day. (Mükemmel gününüz hakkında benzer bir paragraf yazın.)

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 33

1- Work in groups. Do the sports quiz. How much do you know about sports? (Gruplarla çalışmak. Spor testini yapın. Spor hakkında ne kadar bilgi sahibisiniz?)

1- c 2- c 3- a 4- b 5- c 6- b 7- c 8- b 9- a 10- c

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2.1 Activity Part

A. Odd one out.

individual player

arrow handball


B. Complete the sentences with the correct words. (Cümleleri doğru kelimelerle tamamlayın)

1- injury

2- spectator

3- goals

4- medals

5- equiponents

C. Read the sentences and write at least two sports for each one. (Cümleleri okuyun ve her biri için en az iki spor yazın.)

1- football, basketball

2- skiing, climbing

3- tennis, badminton

4- Chess, table tennis

5- badminton, tennis

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 135

A. Look at Luke’s week. Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them. (Luke'un haftasına bakın. Cümlelerdeki hataları bulun ve düzeltin.)

1. He does archery only at weekends. onlyon weekdays

2. He plays football three times a week. everyday

3. He goes cycling on weekdays. a weekends

4. He always does skating. once a week

5. He plays tennis once a week. tvice a week

B. Answer the questions for yourself. (Soruları kendiniz cevaplayın.)

1. How often do you play football? I play football

2. How often do you go running? I go runnig

3. How often do you play volleyball? I play volleyball

4. How often do you go swimming? I go swimming

5. How often do you do exercises? I do exercises


Cevap:Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 24

1- Answer the questions about yourself. (Kendinizle ilgili soruları cevaplayın.)

1. Which sports do you enjoy doing? (Hangi sporları yapmaktan hoşlanırsın?)

2. Which sports do you find interesting/boring? (Hangi sporları ilginç/sıkıcı buluyorsunuz?)

3. Which sports do you do with your friends/on your own? (Arkadaşlarınızla/tek başınıza hangi sporları yaparsınız?)

2- Look at the photo and guess: (Fotoğrafa bak ve tahmin et)

» Where is she? She ise near a leka.

» What is she doing? She ise hiking.

» What does she have in her bag? Some water cookies and clothes.

» How does she feel? Relax and energetic.

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 25

4- Match the sports with “play”, “do” and “go”. (Sporları “play”, “do” ve “go” ile eşleştirin)

1- go 2- play 3- do 4- play 5- do 6- go 7- play 8- go 9- do

6- Read the sentences and write the names of the sports in part 4. (4. bölümdeki cümleleri okuyun ve sporların isimlerini yazın)

1- wolleyball 2- skiing 3- hiking 4- karate 5- swimming

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 26

1- How often do you do sports? Where do you do them? (Ne sıklıkla spor yaparsın? Onları nerede yapıyorsun?)

2- mark

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 27

3- Read the dialogue in part 2. Help the attendant to fill in the application forms. (2. bölümdeki diyaloğu okuyun. Görevlinin başvuru formlarını doldurmasına yardımcı olun.)

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 28

2.4 Listen to the dialogues. Tick the sport names you he (Diyalogları dinleyin. O spor isimlerini işaretleyin)

table tennis, baseball, handball, skiing, ice skating, basketball, football

2.5 Listen again and complete the sentences. (Tekrar dinleyin ve cümleleri tamamlayın.)

1- How often do you play?

2. I sometimes go skiing with my family.

3. Why? What was the score?

4. No, I never go to the gym.

4- Look at the sports names in part 2 and write the sports in the correct places. You can use them more than once. (2. bölümdeki spor adlarına bakın ve sporları doğru yerlere yazın. Bunları bir kereden fazla kullanabilirsiniz)

Indoor Sports - table tennis, tennis, ice skating

Outdoor Sports- football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, archery, handball, skiing, swimming, roller-skating

Team Sports - football, basketball, volleyball, handball, baseball, tennis, table tennis,

Individual Sports - archery, skiing, ice skating, roller-skating, swimming

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 29

1 - Look at the pictures and match them with the words. (Resimlere bakın ve bunları kelimelerle eşleştirin.)

d helmet g arrow e knee pads f bow c net a racket b trainers

2- Work as a class. Ask the questions to your teacher and friends.

Take notes. (Sınıf olarak çalışın. Soruları öğretmeninize ve arkadaşlarınıza sorun. Not almak.)

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 30

1- Do you know any successful players/athletes? Why are they successful? (Tanıdığınız başarılı oyuncular/sporcular var mı? Neden başarılılar?)

2- Read the texts. Which sports are there in the texts? (Metinleri oku. Metinlerde hangi sporlar var?)

Archery, athle tics, tennis, wrestring.

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 31

3- Read the texts again and choose the correct answer. (Metinleri tekrar okuyun ve doğru cevabı seçin.)

1- a 2- b 3- a 4- b

4- Find the numbers in the texts. What do they refer to? (Find the numbers in the texts. What do they refer to?)


17: the age of him in Rio 2016 Olympics. ()

2017: the year he won a gold medal in European Yosth cup.


13: the year she last her sight

3: the number of her gold medals


100: the number of players in the list

2016: the year she won the WTA İstanbul cup.

Yasemin ADAR

1991: the year she was born

75: her weight

5- In which sport do you want to be a professional? (Hangi sporda profesyonel olmak istiyorsun?)

What can you do to become successful? (Başarılı olmak için ne yapabilirsiniz?)

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 32

1- Read Alice’s perfect day. Complete the sentences (Alice'in mükemmel gününü okuyun. Cümleleri tamamlamak)

Sırası ile; get ready, fun, hungry, sometimes, in the evenings, go to bed

2- Write a similar paragraph about your perfect day. (Mükemmel gününüz hakkında benzer bir paragraf yazın.)

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 33

1- Work in groups. Do the sports quiz. How much do you know about sports? (Gruplarla çalışmak. Spor testini yapın. Spor hakkında ne kadar bilgi sahibisiniz?)

1- c 2- c 3- a 4- b 5- c 6- b 7- c 8- b 9- a 10- c

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 134

2.1 Activity Part

A. Odd one out.

individual player

arrow handball


B. Complete the sentences with the correct words. (Cümleleri doğru kelimelerle tamamlayın)

1- injury

2- spectator

3- goals

4- medals

5- equiponents

C. Read the sentences and write at least two sports for each one. (Cümleleri okuyun ve her biri için en az iki spor yazın.)

1- football, basketball

2- skiing, climbing

3- tennis, badminton

4- Chess, table tennis

5- badminton, tennis

Ünite 2 Sports Sayfa 135

A. Look at Luke’s week. Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them. (Luke'un haftasına bakın. Cümlelerdeki hataları bulun ve düzeltin.)

1. He does archery only at weekends. onlyon weekdays

2. He plays football three times a week. everyday

3. He goes cycling on weekdays. a weekends

4. He always does skating. once a week

5. He plays tennis once a week. tvice a week

B. Answer the questions for yourself. (Soruları kendiniz cevaplayın.)

1. How often do you play football? I play football

2. How often do you go running? I go runnig

3. How often do you play volleyball? I play volleyball

4. How often do you go swimming? I go swimming

5. How often do you do exercises? I do exercises