22:18 ATANAN SINAV: At the Fair 1 - 5 arası sorular aşağıdaki metne göre cevaplandırılacaktır. Amy: 1) _? Sam: My social science project. It's about fairs. 2) Amy: I think they are exciting places. Sam: 3) _? The big wheel or the roller coaster? Amy: The roller coaster. Sam: Some children don't like the ghost train. They think it's terrifying. Amy: 4). L. I think it's fantastic. Sam: 5) ? Amy: The bumper cars. I think they are more fun than the other rides. Why are you asking these questions? Sam: Because my project is about children's popular rides at fairs. 2 numaralı boşluğa gelmesi gereken ifadeyi işaretleyiniz. Do you go to fairs? B What do you think about fairs? C Which fair is more exciting?​