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Kusura bakma soru cümlesi bulamadım ama istersen internetten bulabilirim :)
Eğer Yardımcı Olabildiysem Ne Mutlu Bana :)
I am reading a book
They are talking about series
Ekin is playing hide and seek with his friends
Mom is cooking in kitchen
Deniz is talking in his phone
Are you reading a book? Yes, I am
Are they swimming in pool? No, they arent
Is Jason watching Tv series? Yes, he is
Is Meltem shopping with her friends? No, she isnt
Are they talking about new student? No, they arent
He isnt singing a song
They arent listening to music
Zeynep isnt swimming in the sea
Okan isnt chatting on the net.
Nazli isnt doing her homework
Iyi dersler en iyi secersen sevinirim<33
They are talking about series
Ekin is playing hide and seek with his friends
Mom is cooking in kitchen
Deniz is talking in his phone
Are you reading a book? Yes, I am
Are they swimming in pool? No, they arent
Is Jason watching Tv series? Yes, he is
Is Meltem shopping with her friends? No, she isnt
Are they talking about new student? No, they arent
He isnt singing a song
They arent listening to music
Zeynep isnt swimming in the sea
Okan isnt chatting on the net.
Nazli isnt doing her homework
Iyi dersler en iyi secersen sevinirim<33