Oxford'un Drive Into Danger kitabının İngilizce veya Türkçe özetini yazabilir misiniz?

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Oxfordun Drive Into Danger Kitabının İngilizce Veya Türkçe Özetini Yazabilir MisinizBoş Cevap Yazanlar Bildirilecektir class=

Cevap :

Kim is a student and works at Traffic Company. One day she came in to the work and was asked to drive a track and take the table to France with Mark. That’s because driver broken his arm. They listened to their boss’s story carefully and left the company. On one break spot, they found weird little box. There were many drugs in the box! Mark switched the box to the sandwich box and had coffee at café with Kim. They found one weird guy took that box! They backed to the track and droved. That gut was following them, and was so mad that Mark switched the box. The guy had gun and they were so scared but fought him. They kicked and punched him. Finally they put him in the gavages place and he couldn’t run away, because it was too high to get down. They called up police and took the table to the France finally.