11 ve 12. sorulan aşağıdaki paragrata göre cevaplayınız The Blue Whale is the biggest animal in the word It is three times heavier than the biggest dinosaur There were over 200 000 of them in the Arctic and in the Pacific Ocean But people hunted them for the oil and meat. They are in danger of extinction. Today their number is as few as 1000 11. Which one is true? A) The Blue Whale is a domesticated big fish B) The Blue Whale is smaller than the dinosaur C) The Blue Whale's habitat is lakes D) The Blue Whale is an endangered animal 12. Why do people kill the Blue Whale? A) For its oil and meat B) People want to make fields C) They eat too much fish D) There are a lot of Blue Whales. BOŞ YAPANI BİLDİRİRİM HABERİNİZ OLSUN