bana 7 sınıf papağa hakkında bilgi verebilir misiniz ingilizce

Cevap :


The parrot is the general name given to the birds of the warm region that can easily imitate the human voice, of various sizes, brightly colored feathers, thick and curved beaks, short legs. Thanks to their strong memory, parrots repeat the words they have memorized without understanding them. Male parrots speak better than female parrots. The best-talking species is the Jaco parrot. According to the species, the weight of parrots varies between 10 grams and 4 kg, their length is 8 cm - 1 m, and their lifespan varies between 15 - 100 years. They feed on buds, flowers, fruits and seeds. They can peel and eat the nuts. There are also a few species that take animal food.


kolay gelsinn :)

hellø everyone^^

♫ ♬

parrot ( papağan)

Parrots belong to Psittaciformes, are a bird species with a beak. They have two wings. They are colorful. They live in warm climates. They have the ability to imitate voices. Normally parrots live in the trees but they are also kept in cages by humans. They eat flowers, fruits and seeds. They live in Australia, Asia, Africa and America. There are 350 kinds of parrots in the world.


Papağanlar Psittaciformes takımından gelen gagalı bir kuş türüdür. İki kanatları bulunur. Çok renklidirler. Sıcak yerlerde yaşarlar. İnsanları taklit etme yeteneğine sahiptirler. Normalde ağaçlarda yaşayan papağanlar, evde insanlar tarafından kafeslerde de beslenmektedir. Çiçek, meyve ve tohumlarla beslenirler. Avusturalya, Asya, Afrika ve Amerikada yaşarlar. 350 tür papağan mevcuttur.

umarım yardımcı olabilmişimdir en iyi seçer misin?◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡LOVE♡⋆♡●⑅⃝◌