Her kısımdan 3 er soru cevap oluşturur musunuz ingilizce ? Reply At our call centre, 150 agents work in one large room, A lot of them are women or students. The worksta tions are very close together. so it's very noisy. We wear headphones, but they're not good enough. I'm only 21,but my doctor says I have hearing problems. Sitting at a workstation for many hours causes other health problems. Most of my colleagues have backache. 1 ofiten get headaches from looking at the computer screen for too long Birgit, 21, Stuttgart, Germany Reply 2 The job is well paid, but the hours are long. We work nine hours a doy, but we often work overtime. The coll centre is a long woy from my home It tokes me two hours to commute to work, so my real working day is often 13 hours. Difficult customers are another problem. Our customers in the UK are often very rude. It's not easy to talk to customers when they' re angry and don't want to understand. A lot of my colleagues wont to leave and find another job, but it's not eosy to find such well-paid work. Vijay, 27, Mumbai, India Reply 3 A lot of the work in a call centre is very boring. You do the same job day after day. On a typical day, each of us takes up to 200 calls. We're often on the phone for four or more hours continuously. Most of the calls are complaints, and we're expected to solve each problem within two minutes. When one call finishes, another call starts immediately. You don't get time to think. It's very stressful. Another problem is there's no possibility of promotion. It's just a job, it's not a career. Nobody stays in the job very long, so the company is constantly recruiting and training new staff. Kevin, 26, Sydney, Australia