BERATAYCCKGO BERATAYCCKGO İngilizce Cevaplandı 1. A: Was your father at home when you arrived? B: No, he ____ (go) out to meet his old friends. 2. Before they ____ (buy) a new house, they ____ (sell) the old one. 3. After I ____ (spend) tiring and long hours at work, I ____ (go) straight to the bathroom to take a warm shower. 4. As soon as Nick _____ (hear) happy news, he _______ (congratulate) me. 5. The policeman ____ (take) the man to the police station because he _____ (rob) the bank. 6. Sheila ____ (take) a nap after she ____ (prepare) something for dinner. 7. We ____ (be) 10 minutes late when the film _____ (start). 8. Last week, I _____ (see) one of my school friends. I _____ (not / see) him for years. 9. He _____ (pay) the bills as soon as he ____ (got) the money from the bank. 10. By the time the ambulance _____ (arrive), the injured man ___ (die) of bleeding. ( Boşluklari past perfect yada past simple gelecek )