Nelson Noodle was driving his bus back to the Bovine City Bus

Station. Suddenly his beeper went off. He looked down at the tiny display

and read the message, See the boss when you get back.When he got

back, he knocked on the door, which was half open. You wanted to see me,

Mrs. Ginch? Nelson asked nervously.

Nelson, please sit down. I have a job for unusual job, she

said as she swiveled around in her big chair. A group of magicians is having

an annual convention right here in Bovine City, she continued, and they

want a bus to take them around to see all the sights. Will you do it?she


Well, I guess it wouldnt be too tough driving some magicians

around, he said. Sure, Mrs. Ginch, Il do it. [†finish†the†story]

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