CD Sayfa görünümü | A Sesli oku 9 Complete the conversations with the questions and replies in the box. :)) Yes, of course. What's the matter? Sure. Good idea. Thanks. Same to you. Hew-was-your-day? Can we have a break? Never mind. Come and sit down. Excuse me. What does 'boutique' mean? Conversation 1 A (1) How was your day? B Great, thanks. Really nice. Conversation 2 A (2) B It means a small shop that sells expensive clothes. Conversation 3 A (3) BOK. We'll stop for five minutes and then listen to the recording again. Conversation 4 A I'm sorry I'm late for class. B (4) Conversation 5 A Excuse me. Can you help me? B (5) Conversation 6 A Bye! Have a good evening! B (6) Conversation 7 A It's very hot in here. Can I open the window? B (7) 1 point for each correct answer 6 Me 10 Circle BIRG I live ofter (1) lat lake. some (4) sp go to MEHI I live winte like th but it autur In the at my (9) TV KARE I live some day fr cold/ readi 11 Correc 2 Luc 5 The 6 Idor