ed The movie Dead Poets Society tells the story of an English teacher, John Keating. He starts teaching at a high school at Welton Academy. It is an elite and a conservative school. Keating surprises his students by his teaching methods, but the head master doesn't like his methods. Keating teaches them the Latin expression "Carpe Diem" which means "Seize the day.". He advises them to live life to the fullest, but not to get themselves into trouble by behaving badly. He also inspires them through his teaching of poetry, shows ways to look at life in a different way and helps them to be individuals. When the students learn that Keating was a member of "Dead Poets Society" when he was at Welton, they restart the club, meet in a cave and read poetry and their own compositions. So, the students begin to learn their potentials. Neil, one of the students, likes acting very much and takes part in a play. When his father learns this, he decides to send him to a military school. Neil commits suicide. The head master investigates the death and forces the students to blame Keating. All of them sign a letter and Keating is fired. While the head master is teaching English to the students, Keating comes to the classroom to collect his personal things. A student shouts that Keating is not guilty and he says: "O Captain! My Captain!". All the others do the same. Keating is so happy. He thanks the boys and leaves the classroom.