Sue Martin John Lisa A- Use have got / has got / haven't got / hasn't got (5*3=15pts) Mobile Phone ID Card 1. Martin and John 2. Sue and Lisa.. 3. Lisa... 4. John... 5. Sue 1. He 2. My sister + + 3. 4. They 5. Where .you a nurse? a map. 4. Yeşim is 5. It is the NUMBER: a map. an ID Card. B- Match two parts. (5*3=15pts) 1. A person that fix a problem you have with your teeth. 2. A person that makes wooden furniture.. from England. David? GRADE FIRST EXAM + A mobile phone. 3. A person that repairs your water sistem. 4. A person that makes clothes for others. 5. A person that helps people buy tickets and make hotel reservation. C- Make sentences with am/is/are /am not /isn't/ aren't (5*3=15pts) ..a journalist. He at home now. E- Comparative or Superlative? (5*3=15) 1. My mobile is 2. This is the 3. I think it is the a mobile phone. D- Answer the questions. (4*4=16pts) 1. What is your nationality? 2. Where do you live? 3. What is your occupation? 4. Is there a school in your neighbourhood? A doctor. than yours. (expensive) .tree in the park. (tall) day today. (bad) .than Gürkkan. (fast) Map + + film this week. (boring) CLASS: A-Plumber B- Tailor C- Travel agent D- Carpenter E- Dentist ..... ....