Ar. Hunter: Good morning, everybody! Welcome to "It's Breakfast Time" n Chefs' Channel. Today, we are talking about the breakfast habits of lifferent countries. We have some guests. Here we have a chef from the UK., Mr. Cook. Hi, Mr. Cook. What do the British people have for breakfast? Mr. Cook: Hi, Mr. Hunter. In Britain, we have eggs, sausages, mushrooms and baked beans for breakfast. We also like tea with milk at breakfast. Mr. Hunter: Thank you, Mr. Cook. Now, it's time to see what Spanish people have for breakfast. Mrs. Cocinero is giving information about the traditional Spanish breakfast. Mrs. Cocinero: Spanish people have toast and fruit juice for breakfast. We have different kinds of toasts. Mr. Hunter: Thank you, Mrs. Cocinero. What about you, Mr. Aşçı? Can you talk about breakfast habits of Turkish people? Mr. Aşçı: We have olives, cheese, eggs, tomatoes, butter and honey in Turkey It gounds yummy! comme​