A-Aşağıdaki Kelimeleri Eşleştiriniz. A-sharpener / B-scissors / C-crayon / D-pencil E-map/F-pen / Cr-door / H-window I-pencilcase / J-table / K-desk / L-eraser M-schoolbag / N-beck /0-notebook/P-chair Q-globe/R-board / S-glue / T-ruler S ON b ********** ************ B-Aşağıdaki Kelimeleri Eşleştiriniz. A-Listen/B-Clean the board / D-Stand up / E-Open your book / F-Be quiet C-Sit down G-Close your book 1 I-Turn off the lights K-Raise your hand / / J-Open the door H-Turn on the lights L-Look at the board MZ ********* CLASROOM RULE ******** OFF ********* 12 INICAANS ********* *************** AN Ki​